Was Leprechaun Origins worth watching?

The copyright, of all people, was entrusted with the seventh film in the series, The Leprechaun reboot. Dylan Postl will play the role of this new Leprechaun, in a realistic, grim version of the story. The filmmaker hated the Leprechaun films so much that he decided to create a horror movie out of them, ditching everything that made them Leprechaun films in the first place. "Leprechaun Origins," therefore, is as generic a horror movie as they come. A group of young (original site) people finds themselves trapped in a log cabin, on the outskirts a small town with a dark past. As the monster picks out each of them one by one, there must have been at least 90 minutes worth of stupid choices by the protagonists. Even though it isn't one, we are supposed to call this creature a leprechaun.

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